
Welcome to the website for Metro Heights HOA

Welcome to the Metro Heights Homeowner Association website. If you are a new Member or Resident of this neighborhood, you will want to create a user profile by clicking the Register button either under the Member or Renter menu heading. Please refer to the Registration Help Instructions if you require assistance in registering. 

This website is the primary source of communication with the neighborhood. It is the online source of important documents, news, information, and other resources for all the residents of Metro Heights. This website is laid out with menu headings and submenus at the top. Click on the heading or submenu heading which will have the information you are seeking. Some menus are only available for those who log in with a username and password. 

For additional information, including the board of directors, or the management company, please click on the Contact Us link under the About Us menu tab.

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HOA News Highlights and Links

Violation Notices
Violation notices are being mailed out. If you receive one, please make the necessary changes to prevent getting a violation assessment fine. 
Serving on the HOA Board of Directors
A special thank you goes out to Kevin Lewis for his service as the President of the Metro Heights HOA. Thank you to Joe Running for serving as the Vice President. Their terms will be finished in August. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please click HERE to learn more about being on the Board.

Maintaining Your Property
Owners are expected to maintain their properties, including keeping their lawns mowed, edged, and relatively free of weeds. Trash cans are to be put away on the side of the house or in the garage. Please do your part to keep out neighborhood looking great.